Undergrad Highlights

Kotawi Digital

Extracurricular & Start-Up Experience, 2013-2015

Roles: Co-Founder, Designer, Account Executive

Innovation Xchange

Senior Capstone Experience, 2015

Role: Design Team Lead

  • Collaborated with design and development teams to implement a site design for a startup event, “Innovation Xchange” with Cintrifuse

  • Orchestrated communication between design team members

  • Designed homepage, splash pages and registration buttons

  • Collaborated using Wordpress on “Home”, “Featured Startups” and “Venue” pages

Miami University Art Museum (MUAM)

Interactive Media Internship, 2015

Role: Intern

  • Conducted a webpage audit and made webpage update suggestions for the MUAM site

  • Used Cascade software (CMS) in order to create and update pages and collaborated with IT to when necessary to execute launch of exhibition pages, events pages, footer, dropdown menus

  • Assisted in managing social media accounts

  • Conducted live tweets for 2 museum events including the Chocolate Meltdown and Winter Student Reception

  • Created a comprehensive communication dashboard for internal staff use

“Recruit Her” Mobile App

Undergraduate group project, 2015

Role: Designer

  • Project Objective: Identify a problem that a certain student audience faces at Miami University (MU) and create an interactive solution.

  • MU Student Audience: Greek Life (specifically sororities)

  • Problem: “Recruitment process takes too long”

    Proposed Solution:
    • Created an app design with the idea of having a tool assists with the sorority recruitment process
    • RecruitHer allows chapters to rate potential new members faster and paper-free
    • App is designed to generate live results and helps to know who to invite to the next round quicker and notifies the candidates on their acceptance status.

Data Analytics

Infographic exercise, 2014

Role: Researcher & Designer

For this infographic exercise, information was extracted from the Pew Research Internet project and displays social media usage across age groups from 2005-2014. The infographic shows who checks social media on mobile devices, and also displays social media usage by gender of all internet users.

Experience with Data Analytics Tools:

  • Google Analytics

  • Adobe SiteCatalyst/Omniture

Graphic Design

Undergraduate Design Exercises, 2014-2015

Role: Designer

While I was a student in the Armstrong Institute for Interactive Media Studies program at Miami University, I took part in various graphic design courses to help strengthen my skills using Adobe Creative Cloud.


Big Lots